Psychometric Test:

Test Name: Framingham Type A Behaviour Pattern Measure & Framingham Anger Measure
Acronym: FTABPM & FAM
Publisher: GL Assessment
Web Site:
Author: Haynes, S.G., Levine, S., Scotch, N., Feinlaeib, M. & Kannel, W.B.
Year: 1978
Purpose: Attemps to identify the critical predictors of coronary proneness using the Type A behaviour theory.
Contents: Manual & questionnaire with full copyright permission.
Age range: Adult
Administration time: 5 minutes each.
Qualifications: To use this test you must be, or be supervised by a Clinical Psychologist, occupational therapist or nurse. Held in 'Individual and Demographic Differences' in Measures in Health Psychology Portfolio
Available: True
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